2025 Ontario First Responders’ Mental Health Conference
2025 Ontario First Responders’ Mental Health Conference
Trillium Health Partners’ Insight Health Solutions and Wounded Warriors Canada are pleased to announce the upcoming 2025 Ontario First Responders’ Mental Health Conference. Building on the success of the first two events, which reached full capacity with 500 attendees, the conference garnered praise for its exceptional content, high-caliber speakers, professionalism, organization, and overall valued experience.
The conference is scheduled for April 1 and 2, 2025 at The International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. April 1st is a half-day workshop focused on building connections through formative, in-depth discussions on how to make research that matters in the operational worlds of Trauma Exposed Professionals (TExP) and their families (TExF). An evening social event will provide an opportunity for participants to connect and reconnect with colleagues from across the province. April 2nd will feature a full day conference agenda including plenary presentations, keynote addresses, and concurrent workshop options.
The conference will feature frontline members, First Responder family members, organizational leaders, mental health clinicians, and renowned researchers like Dr. Nick Carleton. The focus will be on sharing best practices, hearing directly from First Responders and research related to the mental health of First Responders and their families.

March 13th Webinar (Formerly March 10th) – Policing and Supporting the Unhoused in Edmonton – How governments are working together to build meaningful connections to support Canada’s growing unhoused challenge
March 13th Webinar (Formerly March 10th) – Policing and Supporting the Unhoused in Edmonton – How governments are working together to build meaningful connections to support Canada’s growing unhoused challenge

March 26th Webinar – The Symbol and the Struggle: Unpacking the Mental Health Meaning behind the Thin Blue Line with Dr. Rosemary Ricciardelli and Zachary Towns
March 26th Webinar – The Symbol and the Struggle: Unpacking the Mental Health Meaning behind the Thin Blue Line with Dr. Rosemary Ricciardelli and Zachary Towns

May 5th Webinar – Police Service Board/Commission Relationships with Police Associations: The Challenges and Opportunities during Budgets Negotiations, Collective Bargaining and Public Engagement with Casey Ward and Matt Cox
May 5th Webinar – Police Service Board/Commission Relationships with Police Associations: The Challenges and Opportunities during Budgets Negotiations, Collective Bargaining and Public Engagement with Casey Ward and Matt Cox

Registration Now Open for the 36th Annual CAPG Conference!
CAPG'S 36th Annual Conference:
Thursday, August 14th, 2025 to Saturday, August 16th, 2025 in Victoria, BC
Detailed schedule will be available in the coming weeks!
British Columbia

Híɫzaqv leaders take RCMP to court, say police discriminate against the nation’s laws - IndigiNews In new lawsuit, Híɫzaqv leaders say police are discriminating against the nation’s laws
The Central Coast community wants the B.C. Supreme Court to declare its public safety bylaws are ‘valid federal laws’ that officers must enforce

B.C.'s 2025 budget includes funding for community safety, police training
The B.C. government has announced $235 million in new investments over three years for justice and public safety programs.
Probe involving Ken Sim focused on alleged police misconduct - Bowen Island Undercurrent
Police watchdog-ordered probe was for 'purported traffic stop' of Ken Sim, not alleged impaired driving
Lower Kootenay Band and RCMP enter new Indigenous policing agreement - Creston Valley Advance
Meet Const. Bickle at a community lunch on Monday, March 3 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Delta police name new Deputy Chief - Delta Optimist
Leeson joined the department in November 1995 as a recruit constable
Victoria faces 2023 police budget impacts; talks 7.78% tax lift - Goldstream News Gazette
Proposed budget conversation continues Monday in Victoria chambers

Calgary Police Commission discusses multi-million-dollar budget shortfall | Watch News Videos Online
Watch Calgary Police Commission discusses multi-million-dollar budget shortfall Video Online, on GlobalNews.ca

First experienced officers begin training for Saskatchewan Marshals Service - DiscoverMooseJaw.com - Local news, Weather, Sports, Free Classifieds and Job Listings

Regina police will soon have permanent presence in mall – CTVNews
WATCH: The Regina Police Service will soon have a permanent presence in the Cornwall Centre with their Downtown Safety Unit. Wayne Mantyka

Hundreds more bullets fired at people and homes in Mississauga, Brampton last year: police | INsauga
Violent offenders are not only carrying many more illegal guns in Mississauga and Brampton, but they’re quicker to use them and are firing hundreds more bullets indiscriminately at people and homes, police say. Peel Regional Police statistics show 1,249 rounds of ammunition were discharged by offenders in 174 shootings across the region in 2024 compared […]

Crime in Sault Ste. Marie heavily influence by drugs trade – CTVNews
Sault Ste. Marie saw reductions in many year-over-year crime stats in 2024 – but areas of increased crime show a heavy drug influence.
New Brunswick

Wrongfully convicted N.B. man hopes promised police review comes this month - New Brunswick | Globalnews.ca
The New Brunswick man is hoping to get his hands on a copy of the external review commissioned by the Saint John, N.B., police chief into the force's handling of his case.
The North
Kluane First Nation getting 2 RCMP officers following more than a decade of advocacy - Yukon News
One officer has been assigned, and the other posting is in the works
The journalist-arresting RCMP can't be trusted to accredit media | Canada's National Observer: Climate News
There is possibly no single body worse suited to deciding who is and is not a journalist than the RCMP. I would trust nine strangers at a bar to know what a journalist does, and why, before I trusted the RCMP with its long track record of interfering with us.