The Canadian Association of Police Governance (CAPG) is the only national organization dedicated to excellence in police governance in Canada. Founded in 1989 with the goal to improve the effectiveness of civilian bodies that govern local police services, we have since grown to represent 80% of municipal police service oversight bodies throughout Canada.
As a national association, the CAPG has a wide reach with a diverse audience. We connect with decision-makers, police board executives, Chiefs of Police, business leaders, academics, and government officials throughout the country. The Canadian Association of Police Governance has over 80 active member organizations.
The Canadian Association of Police Governance works collaboratively and proactively with members and partners to enhance civilian governance of policing in Canada.
Through Quorum, you have the chance to build awareness and recognition of your brand among hundreds of police governance professionals. Quorum offers an open rate 3 percent higher than that of the industry average.
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